Leadership Starts with You

My name is Zafar Ajmal, I am a practicing anesthesiologist with great interest in leadership development and coaching. I am here to guide you in your path to becoming a great leader.


Here's how I started on this journey


my philosophy


Leadership is not just a position or a title. It is a way of life which encompasses self-awareness, influence and knowledge of others. With these traits inculcated, anyone can learn to be a leader. I aspire to refine societal views on leadership and I welcome all to join me in this endeavor.



To change worldwide views about leadership by establishing it as a way of life.



To conduct live and online leadership programs locally and globally on a monthly basis. 






Master the best and most effective leadership skills to lead yourself, your team and colleagues to greatness. 



Discover your true potential with one-on-one or group coaching sessions with
Dr. Ajmal online or in person.


Book an Event

Dr. Ajmal provides conferences in the US and abroad that are designed to connect passionate healthcare professionals and others in an environment that facilitates learning, networking, and best practice sharing.

Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
— Swami Sivananda

What people say

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shawn cabalsi


accounts executive at gartner

I am very fortunate to work closely with Dr. Zafar on an ongoing basis within fundraising and development initiatives in our local community. It has been a real honor and pleasure to collaborate and learn from him, and I’ve benefited immensely from his experience and wisdom. 

He has a deep passion for leadership, self-improvement, and social change which is truly inspirational and contagious to people around him. What is most striking to me is his sincere dedication to help others, which is why I believe that whatever he endeavors to attain, he will accomplish. I am looking forward to more opportunities to build with him.

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Charles pozner, MD


Associate Professor of Medicine (Emergency Medicine) at Harvard Medical School

Zafar was a research assistant for me while on the faculty of Beth Israel Deaconess Medcial Center/Harvard Medical School. He was a dedicated researcher who was easily mentored and worked hard to forward our initiatives. This was also the time that Zafar was applying to residency programs in the US. He was organized and communicated well with his peers. He is a warm and caring person who, although I have not worked clinically with him, I am certain reflects in the care that he provides to his patients and colleagues.

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jatin v. mehta


ceo, metasense, inc

I am pleased to recommend Dr. Zafar who brought unique experience and expertise in Toastmasters team. He is an awesome person to work with. Very honest and hard working with every speech he delivered in our club. He brings clinical sense of humor in a most artistic way.

He brings his clinical experience in public speaking in an indigenous way. He has always been a wonderful impromptu speaker as well as table topic master.

I would love to see more of him in speaking engagements in the future.